Visions in the Liminal Space
Hello from inside The Liminal Space. By now, you’re likely familiar with this world of empty airports, quiet stadiums, darkened carnivals and abandoned cities. The mirror realms, shadow selves and back alleys of once slightly alternate dimensions are now the primary reality of the collective.
The feeling is a vacant room you imagined full just before entering, the energy of another still lingering in the air. Somewhere you were meant to be, but long before or after you were meant to be there.
You’ve always had a home here, and always will. Maybe you’ve felt it between the words of each chapter, on the exhale of each breath. Maybe you’ve been having visions here, too.
This is a waiting room of sorts, to be sure. Your number is bound to be called soon. In the meantime, settle in.
Pull a card...
The feeling is a vacant room you imagined full just before entering, the energy of another still lingering in the air. Somewhere you were meant to be, but long before or after you were meant to be there.
You’ve always had a home here, and always will. Maybe you’ve felt it between the words of each chapter, on the exhale of each breath. Maybe you’ve been having visions here, too.
This is a waiting room of sorts, to be sure. Your number is bound to be called soon. In the meantime, settle in.
Pull a card...